Design, Print, Trim, Glue, Trim, Glue, Trim, Glue and some more Trim and Glue... that's how the past few days have flown by!! That's because I've had my first large order for 50 cards! Yippeee!!
I know it's been a long time since I last blogged, and I'm sorry :| But I couldn't resist sharing this great news.
It all happened during a very fortunate encounter (fortunate for me, and not for my maltese friend who was stranded here due to the volcanic ash)...
I initially came up with the 4 sample designs above and the second card, which was my favourite, was the one my customer also chose... Since a keepsake was required, I thought we could add a matching magnet for the front of the card.
The cards could have been finished by now, but unfortunately the magnets arrived and the colour did not match the rest of the cards.
They are darker and browner then the rest of the card, which made me very unhappy. Luckily I called in and they agreed to send me another set if I modified the colours of the artwork.
Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they arrive on time and in the correct colour scheme!
I will post a picture of the finalized card once the lovely magnets have arrived!
So that's it for today. Hopefully I'll be blogging again soon :-D
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